Chinese name server

Chinese name server

Chinese name server


How do Name Servers (NS) and DNS operate in China

The Chinese internet runs considerably faster than most other areas of the world. G4 and G5 networks are available nationally, and most locations offer free public internet. The exception in China is that the Internet is available everywhere, and the service is fast.

The Chinese internet is built for efficiency. It has to be with over 1.2 billion users.

Chinese name services have been designed and built as a national service in China. This is critical to a fast national internet service.

DNS lookups for domain names purchased in China respond within a few milliseconds(ms).

A few terms for clarification

As you may be aware, there are two main parts to a domain name you need to consider when making a purchase: -

    • TLD (Top Level Domain) is the part domain name that comes after the "DOT", e.g. .com, .net, .etc.
    • Domain is that come before the TLD. ", e.g., "mydomain" in
    • The Domain name is the domain + TLD., e.g.,

NS vs DNS;

    • Name server (NS): A server available to the internet hosting the Domain Names Service (DNS)
    • Domain Name Service (DNS) – Database containing your DNS records, e.g., IP address of your website.

Often, NS and DNS are used to mean the same thing. The difference in China is that many local NSs are running in multiple locations, holding copies of the DNS databases for all domains purchased in China. This helps considerably by keeping response time fast with over a billion internet users across a large country.

Need a Chinese Name Server

There are many NSs in China.

If you are running servers in China and need to set up access a China DNS, we recommend (we have been using this China DNS service for over 18 years without any problems);

            114DNS – master NS and secondary NS

Do not use overseas NS; for example,

Master and secondary DNS responses are slower in China

or China's national DNS service.

Master with secondary DNS The national China DNS servers only hold the information DNS for a few seconds before deleting the data.

What is happening with your Domain Name in China?

The DNS lookup times for overseas purchased domain names are too slow for the internet in China. An overseas DNS lookup takes between 300ms to 2,000ms

International DNS (Domain Name Server) records can take two to three attempts for a browser in China to locate your website.

Often, the Chinese user stops trying and gives up. It does not help that the local ISP displays their website instead of your company website when they cannot find DNS under 80ms.

The issue is caused by an overseas Name Service (NS) for the domain reposing too slowly from outside China. After two to three attempts, the Chinese internet finds your DNS records, and everything works as usual until the DNS record timeouts and the processes start over again.

Why is happening with your Domain Name in China

To keep this performance level high, the mobile and cable networks only allow a short period for a domain name to be found. If it is not found, it either displays a “website not found” error or a promotion webpage for another service (this is very confusing for the consumer, who typically moves on).

Overseas domain name look-up time is slow, taking four to five times longer than a locally purchased domain name.

Once a domain name is found, the information is only held for about 2 hours before the domain information has to be requested again from overseas.

Can an Overseas company or person use the Chinese National Names service in China?

The rules and processing of domain names in China were changed in 2022.

Domains purchased in China can use the Chinese National Domain Names service.

An overseas person or business can purchase a domain in China and use the Chinese DNS national services, removing the issue of your domain name not being found.

The Chinese national service also gives fast response times to international NS. You do not see DNS response issues worldwide.

The domain DNS records can point to websites, etc, outside China.

The Domain registration process is required once for the first domain. After that, all domains purchased are linked to your registration. Registration requires a copy of your passport ID and company certificate. Once complete, certificates of domain ownership are issued for each domain purchased.

There are two links to follow up on for more information;

domain name for Chinese market

How do Name Servers (NS) and DNS operate in China

Chinese NS and DNS services

Access to China, Chinese NS and DNS services


Last modified:V2.4 - 8 January 2025