Access to China

Access to China

Access to China

Start trading in the Chinese markets

Ranging from consumers, wholesalers, agents, and factories, from raw materials to the products in the hands of the consumer. Access to China, a UK based company, has been operating in the Chinese markets for over 20 years with over 100 years of experience among our staff.

Over the last ten years, China has moved most of its trading online. Given the size of the country and cities and 1.4 billion people, the Internet has allowed the country to grow its internal markets. This has allowed consumer prices to be driven down and quality to be greatly increased. Given these and many other benefits, the adoption of Internet technology has been fast in China.

This adoption of new technology does not stop with the internet; green technology adoption is growing very fast. Green tech is seen in China as cheaper, fastest and functionality richer. The Chinese government are driving the development due to the high pollution level in China.

Green technology our focus for 2024. Today, China is the world's largest producer and user of Green technology.


Largest online market
Largest online market
Largest online market
Largest online market
Largest online market
Largest online market

Access to the world's largest market

Overseas social media is not available in China. Having your website seen and found is critical to successful business relationship building in China.

Many regions and countries worldwide speak Mandarin, i.e., Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, California, Hong Kong, Vietnam and many more. Adding Mandarin language to your SEO data can open your website to trading worldwide beyond China. The Chinese market goes way beyond the 1.4 billion people living in China.

Given the importance of being seen on the internet in China and Chinese markets worldwide, Access to China focus of our business is getting your business, products and services seen online in China.

Chinese green technology
Chinese green technology
Chinese green technology
Chinese green technology
Chinese green technology
Chinese green technology

Chinese green technology

Green Technology is key to most businesses’ growth in the next five years. Chinese Green Technology has been developing rapidly, given consumers and government demands to reduce China's high pollution levels.

Green technology is key to most businesses’ growth in the next five years.

The development of Green Technology is starting to give greater efficiencies, reduce costs, and increase productivity, i.e., electric vehicles; greatly reduced operating costs, greatly improved performance, and improved safety.

We believe Green Technology should give you more, not less.


Sourcing from China
Sourcing from China
Sourcing from China
Sourcing from China
Sourcing from China
Sourcing from China

Sourcing products and services from China

For the last 40 years, China has built up its manufacturing base to be one of the most successful in the world.

In recent years, the growth of the Chinese domestic consumer market has increased imports from overseas of high-quality products. In turn, this has driven up the quality of locally produced products. Today, China is moving towards better quality products.

Lower-quality products are moving to other Asian countries.

The global issues, starting with the virus in early 2020 and continuing today with conflicts around the world, resulted in a rethinking of supply chains. The repatriation of manufacturing back to your country using China's production know-how is an option for consideration.


Chinese information
Chinese information
Chinese information
Chinese information
Chinese information

Chinese trading information and recommendation

Access to China information and recommendations for your consideration to support your Chinese trading ambitions. In our trading in China for over 20+ years, running and operating Chinese businesses, we have gathered lots of information and recommendations.

  • Short video presentations (coming February 2024)
  • Internet in China information
  • Papers and reports
  • Useful links

We are happy to share this information and are always interested in adding to the pool of information. Any ideas, requests or information, very well.


Routes to the Chinese markets

Routes to the chinese markets

Routes to the Chinese markets check list

There are different trading methods for Chinese businesses (B2B) and Chinese consumers (B2C) within both China and in your local market either over the internet or visitors from China.

Before you start, look at your business and product / service branding in China. If your business branding is not registered in China, we recommended you correct this ASAP. All your Chinese marketing can be undermined by another company; either Chinese or overseas, by registering your business brand(s) in China and reproducing your products /services locally.

For more information on registration of your trademarks in China, please see, Chinese Intellectual property

In addition, if you are selling goods inside China your product(s) may require local certification, e.g. power supplier need CCC certification. While it the responsibility of the Chinese importer to check and apply for any required certificate it may be appropriate for your business to be part of the certification process so that you have ownership of the final documentation.

Generally, this does not apply to products purchased from outside China and posted to a consumer in China. The major excpection to this rule is power rating; China voltage is 220V/50HZ. This is different to the many countries, including UK, EU, USA.      

Your local market; Chinese internet sales and visitors

There are many Chinese citizens visiting and been educational world-wide. This is normally where an interest in your locally marketed starts.

People visiting your local market can see your products in the context of use, look and feel. Often this will be shared on Chinese social media and interest can grow.

Chinese people like purchasing from overseas suppliers as they feel the quality is better and the branding is genuine.

Developing business relationships with Chinese social media users with large followers will greatly help with sales in your local market. Engage with your local Chinese customers and supply them with your internet contents links.  Allow pictures to be taken. If you have your brand registered in China, you are protected long term.

Some products require a view / demonstration helps understanding; an internet media presence is critical e.g. video, on line brochure, CGI (computer-generated imagery), etc. hosted where the Chinese market can see it in China.

Therefore, Access to China is developing WiTravel and B2B66 in mainland China. Taking your product information into the heart of China.

Your local market; direct Chinese sales

Chinese visitors to your local market can be supported by;

  • Internet presence locally and accessibility presence in China with a few words in Chinese introducing your business and key products / services.
  • Meetings at trade shows
  • Local trade organisations

The big advantage in this approach is you are looking for the Chinese market connections in your local market / country.

This is very cost-effective method of doing business and is often support successfully by local government and national trade organisation.

Direct selling to the Chinese market

Proactivity marketing / selling to the Chinese market in China. You still not need to visit China at this stage. The internet enables you to do much of the early stage work without leaving your office.

  • Chinese B2B marketing e.g. Alibaba
  • Chinese B2C distribution channels. i.e. e-Malls
  • Chinese social media e.g. WeChat
  • New overseas channels: b2b66 project.

This is the simple method of trading with Chinese market as it is the importers responsibility to make sure all the Chinese rules and regulations are followed. 

Appoint a local Chinese agent

A Chinese agent becomes your local agent in Chinese markets.

Often if you have services or products that maybe of interest to the Chinese market a local Chinese agent will approach your business.

A few important points to consider

  • Agents looking to make large returns on a few simple transactions normally only have a few contacts within the Chinese market.
  • Successful marketing and selling to the Chinese market is networking based. Find out as much as can about their network;
    • Person to person
    • Business to business
    • Social media
    • Chinese government contacts
  • You should not you appoint an agent for the whole of China or a region / market.
  • Termination / cancellation agreement if the targets are not achieved. This agreement should be performance based over an agreed period.
  • Make sure that agent agreement allows, where appropriate, for B2C selling to continue in the Chinese e-Malls.
  • The agreement should allow Chinese customers to still directly approach your business. Many Chinese business will not do business with a Chinese local agent. This will also apply to overseas companies wishing to use your product / services in China. While this will need agreeing with the Chinese agent., you do want to close any distribution channels at the outset.
  • Your business registers your trademarks in your company name. (you should do this before talk to a Chinese agent)

Appointment of a Chinese distributor

While all the above points apply to a Chinese agent, a Chinese distributor will handle your goods.

This will include importing, storage, local shipping, returns, servicing and repair, bookkeeping, payment etc.

Our recommendation is that all goods sent to China must to paid for before they arrive in China. If this is not the case, your business, at best, will be indirectly for running the distribution channel, i.e. if distribution channel is not successful you will not be paid.

Chinese businesses generally do not hold stock. Most goods are made and shipped to order. The exception is a wholesaler. This only works if there is ongoing demand for your products.

Spare parts and consumables maybe an exception to holding stock locally in China. We recommend an ongoing shipping relationship could include spare parts and consumables as part of the overall purchase from the outset. If this can be achieved, your business should not be responsible for stock in China.

To help in your relationship with potential Chinese distributors investigate the use of faster shipping methods to China; flying, train, etc. Reducing the leads time to China will help all parties manage order stock levels and working capital.

Chinese representative Office

A local Chinese office is where a potential Chinese customer can make contact.

The local office must have a good knowledge of your products / services or at best an understanding of your market.

This is good place to start if you are not planning your own business presence in China.

It’s supplies a local contact for business in the local time zone, local language support, etc.

A local office can also run local market campaigns, help desk, first line sales support, etc.

It is normally a cost-effective way to start a presence in China.

Many of the country trade organisations support local office representation as well as local trade organisations.

Chinese local licensing

Licensing your products or services to a Chinese business can be a cost-effective way into the Chinese market.

Many businesses over many years have been very success with this approach.

The key to success is protecting your business interest: Branding, patent, software, etc.

When protecting your business interest please make sure it is your company name on any Chinese branding certification, etc, and not the Chinese business you are working with.

The same points apply to local licensing as with local Chinese agents. The key points being; make sure any agreement is performance related, license by Chinese region / city.

Chinese Joint Ventures (JV)

In China a JV normally involves creating a Chinese business which has all parties funding and running the business.

This was very popular way for a business to establish an overseas company in China.

Today, given that setting up an overseas company (WFORE) in China is a lot more straight forward, there are lot less reason to create JV today.

The exception would be;

  • A JV applying for Chinese government funding. The local / national government can support Chinese business and JV in funding needs.
  • Local licensing and trading agreements that are not issued to overseas companies e.g. internet ISP agreement.
  • Large Chinese and overseas businesses were both businesses have a track record of success.

Like with many of these trading structures where your business is investing in China, the controls of business and management of funding in very hand to achieve.

We would recommend that the agreement between businesses has clear responsibilities and should be run as a project until JV is making a return. 

Wholly foreign owned Chinese enterprise

Creating your own business in China is a lot more straightforward than in past.

It creating a Chinese business you are making an investment in China.

This, along with JV, is the most costly both in funding and business executive time.

We do not recommend not doing this until your business has considered and tried some of the other options above.

For more information about creating a business in China, please see Creating a Chinese Business.

Last modified: June 2019