Access to China

Access to China

Access to China

Start trading in the Chinese markets

Ranging from consumers, wholesalers, agents, and factories, from raw materials to the products in the hands of the consumer. Access to China, a UK based company, has been operating in the Chinese markets for over 20 years with over 100 years of experience among our staff.

Over the last ten years, China has moved most of its trading online. Given the size of the country and cities and 1.4 billion people, the Internet has allowed the country to grow its internal markets. This has allowed consumer prices to be driven down and quality to be greatly increased. Given these and many other benefits, the adoption of Internet technology has been fast in China.

This adoption of new technology does not stop with the internet; green technology adoption is growing very fast. Green tech is seen in China as cheaper, fastest and functionality richer. The Chinese government are driving the development due to the high pollution level in China.

Green technology our focus for 2024. Today, China is the world's largest producer and user of Green technology.


Largest online market
Largest online market
Largest online market
Largest online market
Largest online market
Largest online market

Access to the world's largest market

Overseas social media is not available in China. Having your website seen and found is critical to successful business relationship building in China.

Many regions and countries worldwide speak Mandarin, i.e., Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, California, Hong Kong, Vietnam and many more. Adding Mandarin language to your SEO data can open your website to trading worldwide beyond China. The Chinese market goes way beyond the 1.4 billion people living in China.

Given the importance of being seen on the internet in China and Chinese markets worldwide, Access to China focus of our business is getting your business, products and services seen online in China.

Chinese green technology
Chinese green technology
Chinese green technology
Chinese green technology
Chinese green technology
Chinese green technology

Chinese green technology

Green Technology is key to most businesses’ growth in the next five years. Chinese Green Technology has been developing rapidly, given consumers and government demands to reduce China's high pollution levels.

Green technology is key to most businesses’ growth in the next five years.

The development of Green Technology is starting to give greater efficiencies, reduce costs, and increase productivity, i.e., electric vehicles; greatly reduced operating costs, greatly improved performance, and improved safety.

We believe Green Technology should give you more, not less.


Sourcing from China
Sourcing from China
Sourcing from China
Sourcing from China
Sourcing from China
Sourcing from China

Sourcing products and services from China

For the last 40 years, China has built up its manufacturing base to be one of the most successful in the world.

In recent years, the growth of the Chinese domestic consumer market has increased imports from overseas of high-quality products. In turn, this has driven up the quality of locally produced products. Today, China is moving towards better quality products.

Lower-quality products are moving to other Asian countries.

The global issues, starting with the virus in early 2020 and continuing today with conflicts around the world, resulted in a rethinking of supply chains. The repatriation of manufacturing back to your country using China's production know-how is an option for consideration.


Chinese information
Chinese information
Chinese information
Chinese information
Chinese information

Chinese trading information and recommendation

Access to China information and recommendations for your consideration to support your Chinese trading ambitions. In our trading in China for over 20+ years, running and operating Chinese businesses, we have gathered lots of information and recommendations.

  • Short video presentations (coming February 2024)
  • Internet in China information
  • Papers and reports
  • Useful links

We are happy to share this information and are always interested in adding to the pool of information. Any ideas, requests or information, very well.


Chinese new year 2024

Chinese New Year - 10 February 2024 (China national holiday period 10 to 17 February 2024)


Chinese New Year Sign

Date of Birth


Rat (1)

05 Feb 1924 – 23 Jan 1925

24 Jan 1936 – 10 Feb 1937

10 Feb 1948 – 28 Jan 1949

28 Jan 1960 – 14 Feb 1961

15 Feb 1972 – 02 Feb 1973

02 Feb 1984 – 19 Feb 1985

19 Feb 1996 – 06 Feb 1997

07 Feb 2008 – 25 Jan 2009

25 Jan 2020 – 11 Feb 2021

11 Feb 2032 – 30 Jan 2033


Ox (2)

24 Jan 1925 – 12 Feb 1926

11 Feb 1937 – 30 Jan 1938

29 Jan 1949 – 16 Feb 1950

15 Feb 1961 – 04 Feb 1962

03 Feb 1973 – 22 Jan 1974

20 Feb 1985 – 08 Feb 1986

07 Feb 1997 – 27 Jan 1998

26 Jan 2009 – 13 Feb 2010

12 Feb 2021 – 31 Jan 2022

31 Jan 2033 – 18 Feb 2034


Tiger (3)

13 Feb 1926 – 01 Feb 1927

31 Jan 1938 – 18 Feb 1938

17 Feb 1950 – 05 Feb 1951

05 Feb 1962 – 24 Jan 1963

23 Jan 1974 – 10 Feb 1975

09 Feb 1986 – 28 Jan 1987

28 Jan 1998 – 15 Feb 1999

14 Feb 2010 – 02 Feb 2011

01 Feb 2022 – 21 Jan 2023

19 Feb 2034 – 18 Feb 2035


Rabbit (4)

02 Feb 1927 – 22 Jan 1928

19 Feb 1939 – 07 Feb 1940

06 Feb 1951 – 26 Jan 1952

25 Jan 1963 – 12 Feb 1964

11 Feb 1975 – 30 Jan 1976

29 Jan 1987 – 16 Feb 1988

16 Feb 1999 – 04 Feb 2000

03 Feb 2011 – 22 Jan 2012

22 Jan 2023 – 09 Feb 2024

08 Feb 2035 – 27 Jan 2036


Dragon (5)

23 Jan 1928 – 09 Feb 1929

08 Feb 1940 – 26 Jan 1941

27 Jan 1952 – 13 Feb 1953

13 Feb 1964 – 01 Feb 1965

31 Jan 1976 – 17 Feb 1977

17 Feb 1988 – 05 Feb 1989

05 Feb 2000 – 23 Feb 2001

23 Jan 2012 – 09 Jan 2013

10 Feb 2024 – 28 Jan 2025

28 Jan 2036 – 14 Feb 2037


Snake (6)

10 Feb 1929 – 29 Jan 1930

27 Jan 1941 – 14 Feb 1942

14 Feb 1953 – 02 Feb 1954

02 Feb 1965 – 20 Jan 1966

18 Feb 1977 – 06 Feb 1978

06 Feb 1989 – 26 Jan 1990

24 Jan 2001 – 11 Feb 2002

10 Feb 2013 – 30 Jan 2014

29 Jan 2025 – 16 Feb 2026

15 Feb 2037 – 03 Feb 2038

Chinese New Year Sign

Date of Birth


Horse (7)

30 Jan 1930 – 16 Feb 1931

15 Feb 1942 – 04 Feb 1943

03 Feb 1954 – 23 Jan 1955

21 Jan 1966 – 08 Feb 1967

07 Feb 1978 – 27 Jan 1979

27 Jan 1990 – 14 Feb 1991

12 Feb 2002 – 31 Jan 2003

31 Jan 2014 – 18 Feb 2015

17 Feb 2026 – 05 Feb 2027

04 Feb 2038 – 23 Jan 2039


Goat (8)

17 Feb 1931 – 05 Feb 1932

05 Feb 1943 – 24 Jan 1944

24 Feb 1955 – 11 Feb 1956

09 Feb 1967 – 29 Jan 1968

28 Jan 1979 – 15 Feb 1980

15 Feb 1991 – 03 Feb 1992

01 Feb 2003 – 21 Jan 2004

19 Feb 2015 – 07 Feb 2016

06 Feb 2027 – 25 Jan 2028

24 Jan 2039 – 11 Feb 2040


Monkey (9)

06 Feb 1932 – 25 Jan 1933

25 Jan 1944 – 12 Feb 1945

12 Feb 1956 – 30 Jan 1957

30 Jan 1968 – 16 Feb 1969

16 Feb 1980 – 04 Feb 1981

04 Feb 1992 – 22 Jan 1993

22 Jan 2004 – 08 Feb 2005

08 Feb 2016 – 27 Jan 2017

26 Jan 2028 – 12 Feb 2029

12 Feb 2040 – 31 Jan 2041


Chicken (10)

26 Jan 1933 – 13 Feb 1934

13 Feb 1945 – 01 Feb 1946

31 Jan 1957 – 17 Feb 1958

17 Feb 1969 – 05 Feb 1970

05 Feb 1981 – 24 Jan 1982

23 Jan 1993 – 09 Feb 1994

09 Feb 2005 – 28 Jan 2006

28 Jan 2017 – 15 Feb 2018

13 Feb 2029 – 02 Feb 2030

01 Feb 2041 – 21 Jan 2042


Dog (11)

14 Feb 1934 – 03 Feb 1935

02 Feb 1946 – 21 Jan 1947

18 Feb 1958 – 07 Feb 1959

06 Feb 1970 – 26 Jan 1971

25 Jan 1982 – 12 Feb 1983

10 Feb 1994 – 30 Jan 1995

29 Jan 2006 – 17 Feb 2007

16 Feb 2018 – 04 Feb 2019

03 Feb 2030 – 22 Jan 2031

22 Feb 2042 – 09 Feb 2043


Pig (12)

04 Feb 1935 – 23 Jan 1936

22 Jan 1947 – 09 Feb 1948

08 Feb 1959 – 27 Jan 1960

27 Jan 1971 – 14 Feb 1972

13 Feb 1983 – 01 Feb 1984

31 Jan 1995 – 18 Feb 1996

18 Feb 2007 – 06 Feb 2008

05 Feb 2019 – 24 Jan 2020

23 Jan 2031 – 10 Feb 2032

10 Feb 2043 – 29 Jan 2044

Last modified: Jan 2024 - version 3.2