Chinese e-Commerce Links


Tmall and Tmall Global

Tmall is part of the Alibaba group. These e-Commerce services was created from Taobao. Alibaba wanted to create an e-Mall for more “Upmarket” / “exceptive” goods.

It started with Tmall for Chinese domestic market and then Tmall global for the international products.

While Tmall global is based in Hong Kong when you search in Tmall in China you see links to Tmall Global products therefore opening the Chinese market to overseas e-Commerce.



Taobao is part of the Alibaba group. This was one of the original Chinese domestic e-Malls’

Taobao also started “Batchelor Day” in Chinese. This was started before the USA created Cyber Monday. Batchelor Day is on the 11th November each years and creates a billons of $US of on-line trading in a single day.

Day all Chinese e-Malls are part of “Batchelor Day” including overseas business trading in the Chinese market.



Calling WeChat an e-Commerce site may upset persist as WeChat defines its self as a “services platform” not specifically a shop or social media.

In the same way you can create your own store inside Tmall, Amazon, etc. you can create a store inside WeChat. There are two main difference:-

  • Each store is individual and the store products are not sold against each other. Therefore it is not e-Mall, i.e. not an on-line department store.
  • Each store is independent and do not share the same service levels, processes and procedures. Their social median customer satisfaction keeps the stores or good trading practices.

Chinese business have very successfully created stores inside WeChat is owned by Tencent.

It is not clear at this stage how overseas companies can use this platform inside China as trading rules and regulations only allow trading inside China on the internet if you own a Chinese business.



JDBuy is partly owned by Tencent group who also own QQ and fast growing WeChat.

Tencent have integrated WeChat and QQ into JDBuy.

The growth in the use of WeChat has resulted in very large growth in the use of JDBuy.

Based on current growth, JDBuy could overtake Tmall and Taobao as main e-Mall platform in China.

China Amazon

China Amazon

China Amazon was one of the first e-Malls in China. It is Joint Venture business between Kingsoft, Chinese business originally trading on the internet as, and Amazon.

In the early days of trading it was very successfully.

This business was taken by Taobao, Tmall, and JDBuy mainly due to better operating process, end to end integrated system, e.g. social media, payment gateways, and marketing. Between Alibaba and Tencent they have over 80% of the internet users in their databases.

China Amazon is still trading in China with less than 2% of the e-Commerce market.



DangDang has been trading on the internet in China sinace 1998.

It's main products range is books, music, and software. DangDang also has a large range of fastion products.

DangDang is part of the small e-malls in the Chinese e-Mall market.



Suning started online selling electronics goods.

These days Suning sells a full range of products and merchandising.



Yihaodian was developed as an on-line food and daily groceries by Walmart.

Walmart have sold the business to JDBuy and return have shares in JDBuy.

This e-commerce store is design as a mobile site / APP. It does not look good on a deak top.



Jumei successfully trades in cosmetic products.