Access to China customer data protection policy

Access to China has been trading sense 2003.

Our Company’s House registration number: 4431687.

Our VAT number: 799923546.

Access to China is a registered with Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) sense 2009.

Our ICO registration number: Z2019888.

Access to China does hold information which not required for day to day trading

If you wish to know if we are holding any information about your company / personal information. Please contact us by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via the contact form

Access to China Website Cookies Policy

The information in your website is about understanding how your business can be seen on the internet in China.

Access does use cookie to;

  • To control your section why you login into our service website:
  • We use Google Analyics to collected data on website performance and statistics.
  • We do not use any data collected for direct merketing.

Access to China website cookies policy is not to collect customer information via cookies.

We do tack usage of the website by city by website page to help us to determine what information is been read. This information is collected by the website log files.

This policy enables Access to China not to ask the website user if they “accepted cookies”. We also believe this policy, not requiring “acceptance cookie” question, enables users outside EU, often looking at the website in a second language, not to be confused by the question and the actions requested.

The monitoring of our website usage is performed passively unless the website is being abused then IP addresses will be blocked.

We hope that website user fines the contents helpfully and welcome any feedback which will enable us improve the contents and services.

Form more information, please see following: Privacy Policy