Test your website pages from China

Test your website pages from China

Test your website pages from China

Website visibility testing from the internet in China checklist

Can your business internet site be seen in China?

Chinese businesses often state that they want to trade internationally. The problem is locating potential trading partners. Their starting point, like the rest of the world, is a search on the internet.  Often hampered from the outset as international internet sites; websites, social media, video platforms, etc., often cannot be seen or not listed in the Chinese search engines correctly.

Access to China website page testing tool enables your business to see the performance of your website from inside China.

Why use our website testing tools?

Chinese testing

Most website test tools only test to see if your business domain can be seen from mainland China in the form of a simple Ping Test. A Ping Test is like poking your website to see if it exists.

All a Ping Test determines is whether your website IP address is not blocked in China. It does not start to explain your website performance in China or if parts of your website content are blocked.

The testing process helps you understand which parts of your website can be seen on the internet in China and the response times. The reality is that most international sites take over 30 seconds to load and due to global social media & Google content being blocked or slowed down which leaves your website with missing components or not working at all.     

Testing tool reports show how each of part of a website page is performing — your website content performance is measured in how the end-user in the country your have selected can see of your business.

Chinese testing


The testing process has been created from open-source software developed by ALO and enhanced by Google.

In keeping with open source principles and Access to China policy to share information, the use of this testing tool and supporting information to help correct issues is free to use.

If you need help reviewing and correcting your website visibility on the internet in China, please do not hesitate to get in contact;  support@accesstochina.com

Start testing here; https://webtest.accesstochina.com/


Last modified: 03 December 2019 - Version 1.9.